Latest Past Events

Ancestral and Meditative Tribal Dance and Breathwork

Chevere Dance Studio Chevere Studio, 2000 Central Parkway,, Cincinnati

We are all made of music and when we connect to its vibration it helps us heal every single cell inside of us. Magic happens when we surrender our minds to our bodies. It is why we will be offering a powerful and unique experience through an Ancestral and Meditative Tribal Dance and Breatwork next […]

Cacao/Breathwork Ceremony

Cacao Ceremony AwakeningBreath is pleased to bring you the opportunity to be part of this amazing transformative Ceremony. We are going to enjoy a traditional and respectful way of serving Cacao. Grandmother Cacao brings abundance, sensuality and beauty to our life as a part of her healing and precious gift. We all want to be […]

Cacao/Breathwork Ceremony

Cacao Ceremony AwakeningBreath is pleased to bring you the opportunity to be part of this amazing transformative Ceremony. We are going to enjoy a traditional and respectful way of serving Cacao. Grandmother Cacao brings abundance, sensuality and beauty to our life as a part of her healing and precious gift. We all want to be […]